
Peak rethinks how we consume Lion's Mane, a mushroom known for enhancing cognitive function, neuroprotection, and heart health. While traditional products like tablets, pills, or coffee lose potency through digestion, I developed a Lion's Mane troche that melts under your tongue, allowing it to be absorbed directly into your bloodstream, so you experience the benefits in hours instead of weeks.

Creative strategy

The creative strategy was to take a simple, powerful mushroom and transform it into a supplement that truly stands out from the generic pill based market. Most supplements have a very holistic, almost cookie cutter aesthetic that just blends in, and everything is a pill these days. With Peak, I wanted to switch things up by delivering Lion's Mane in a unique troche format that melts under your tongue, bypassing the digestive process for faster results. My target audience is entrepreneurs, people living fast paced lives who demand efficiency and immediate impact. This approach reimagines a humble mushroom into a dynamic, high performing solution that fits perfectly into a busy, results driven lifestyle.


For the Peak ad campaign, my goal is to inspire and energize entrepreneurs by showcasing how Peak, with its Lion's Mane mushroom infusion, enhances mental clarity and productivity. Each element, from the lightbulbs symbolizing bright ideas to the money depicting financial success, is designed to resonate with the entrepreneurial spirit, driving home the message that every Peak is a step toward achieving their business aspirations.


The packaging uses gold to evoke a sense of wealth and power, appealing to entrepreneurs who love to make money. The dark green, maroon, and navy blue add a touch of luxury that sets the product apart from the competition.

Project scope

Concept, Research, Naming, Logo, Branding, Art Direction, Packaging, Copywriting, Advertising, 3D Modeling, Animation, Website Design


Here's some of the process that went into creating Peak

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